Living well with dementia

Reablement for people living with dementia

Wondering how wellness and reablement apply when working with people living with dementia? 

These free resources developed by Hammond Care explore how home care providers can support independence and function in people living with dementia. 

In addition, check out some great information by Dementia Australia. They provide practical tips for each level of care for persons living with dementia, and show how a little support makes a lot of difference. 

Looking for more evidence? 

A comprehensive approach to reablement in dementia. 

As society grapples with an ageing population and the increasing prevalence of disability, “reablement” as a means of maximizing functional ability in older people is emerging as a potential strategy to help promote independence. Reablement offers an approach to mitigate the impact of dementia on function and independence. 

In the absence of a cure or ability to significantly modify the course of the disease, the message for policymakers, practitioners, families, and persons with dementia needs to be “living well with dementia”, with a focus on maintaining function for as long as possible, regaining lost function when there is the potential to do so, and adapting to lost function that cannot be regained.  

Service delivery and care of persons with dementia must be reoriented such that evidence-based reablement approaches are integrated into routine care across all sectors. 

Read the full article by Chris Poulos and colleague.

Exercise and Dementia

Over the last few years, there has been some exciting research emerging about the impact of exercise on dementia. 

Infographgic on dementia and reablement pathway

Creating the best environment for reablement to occur

A reablement program could be a good opportunity to review other aspects of the person’s health and wellbeing.

In general, reablement is most likely to be effective when:

Taking Action the Montessori Way

The Montessori Method: A Compassionate Approach to Dementia Care

Dementia is a really tough condition that affects many people everywhere. It can make life really hard for those with it and their families because it takes away memories, independence, and a sense of who they are. But there’s some hope! The Montessori Method, which is a way of teaching created by Dr. Maria Montessori, seems to be a helpful and kind way to care for people with dementia. Click the image to discover more about the Montessori Method from Keeping Busy.

Benefits of the Montessori Method for Dementia Care

The Montessori Method is a way of teaching that focuses on learning by doing things, using your senses, and interacting with others. It can really help people with dementia because they might have trouble thinking clearly or moving around, and they might feel like they’ve lost some of their independence and reason for doing things.