We read the research so you don’t have to…

The KeepAble Evidence Hub connects organisations and individuals with the latest research and evidence about wellness and reablement. Evidence Hub content can:

And, it’s this easy…

  1. We source contemporary, relevant peer reviewed research
  2. We summarise and publish the relevant findings (you don’t have to even read the article!)
  3. We pose a series of reflective practice questions. Individuals, teams and organisations can use the questions to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.

By aligning your interventions with the content, you can confidently report that you implement evidence-based practices. Very helpful for your next visit from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission!

Research to explore

We invite you to explore all of the available topics. However, we recommend you start with the research on Compression of Functional Decline (the first in our series) as it provides an excellent rationale for reablement. We are confident you will find useful ideas in each article summary and associated reflective questions.
  • Senior couple smiling
    Compression of functional decline
    This research explains why it is important to limit the duration of age-related decline, and delay it to the very end of life.
    Understanding Compression of Functional Decline (CFD) provides an excellent rationale and foundation for reablement practices.
  • Looking through a smartphone grandma and granddaughter
    Exploring client and family experiences of reablement
    Providers often report that older adults are resistant to reablement approaches. This review of client and family experiences of reablement provides valuable insights into this perceived problem.
  • support provider and client instilling activity movement
    Physical activity in older adults
    This article highlights the facilitators and the barriers that influence the older person’s participation in physical activity.
    It also reminds us that physical activity is not limited to exercise programmes and that opportunities abound in everyday life.
  • Elderly lady washing-up
    The perks of doing housework
    The article explores evidence for doing housework to promote health and wellbeing.
    This summary highlights key research findings indicating the positive impact of housework on physical and mental health.