“Older Australians are not the only ones who benefit from Wellness and Reablement. Evidence suggests there are also significant benefits to service providers, caregivers, and the broader community.”
2018 Nous Group Report
Scroll down for more information.

Evidence to support the wellness and reablement initative
- Keep Able Evidence HubWe source recent publications that inform reablement practices and summarise the important points. In short, we do the reading, so you don’t have to!
- AAG Grey literature libraryThe Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) Grey Literature Library is a space to broaden and review your knowledge via resources that exist outside of usual academic and commercial channels. It includes policy papers, webinars, fact sheets and reports.
- A summary of consultations across the home care sectorThis report summarises what Nous heard about the existing understanding and uptake of W&R approaches in the home care sector.
- Reablement approach to care for older peopleDiscover how a regional Australian community is reimagining elder care with innovative reablement training. This study explores staff experiences and reveals valuable insights.
- A Practical guide to embed Wellness and ReablementEmpower your clients with wellness and reablement! This practical guide equips CHSP providers with the tools and knowledge to improve independence and quality of life.
- Choose health, be activeBoost wellness and reablement in your CHSP services with the “Choose Health, Be Active” resource. This Australian Government brochure offers tools and guides to help you integrate wellness and reablement into your CHSP service delivery.
- Support at Home – Frequently asked questionsThis document provides answers to frequently asked questions from the Support at Home Q&A sessions held in December 2023.
- New Aged Care Act – Q&A sessionLearn more about the draft Aged Care Act. Watch the webinar recording of the Q&A session held during the consultation period (14 December 2023 – 8 March 2024).
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