Client and Community tools

Client and Community tools and resources

Whether you’re a client seeking to regain control over your daily activities or a member of the community eager to understand and support the reablement process, this page is full of relevant links to inspire, and guide you every step of the way. Please return regularly as we will be updating this page with the latest information on reablement.
  • Healthy ageing Elderly couple walking in the shallows on a beach
    LiveUp is a free online digital resource focused on helping people stay independent through healthy ageing. They have created a comprehensive list of resources, exercise classes, product suggestions, and local groups so you can age your way. Visit today and take their quiz to see the personalised benefits to the Upside of ageing.
  • Elderly-group-having-a-walk
    Connections matter
    This resource addresses highlights that Connections do matter. Strong ties with family, friends and the community provide people with happiness, security, support and a sense of purpose. 
  • Assistive technology clothing assistance
    Essential AT Guide
    The Assistive Technology Essentials Guide introduces the benefits of Assistive Technology (AT) and the role it plays as part of a wellness and reablement service delivery approach. The guide aims to build awareness and product knowledge for home care providers and can be accessed as an eBook or downloaded as a PDF.
  • Man doing a balance exercise
    Preventing Falls
    Falling is the leading cause of injury in people aged 65 years and over. Almost 75% of people report slips, trips, and loss of balance as the cause of their fall. The good news is that these factors can be dramatically improved. Read this article to discover how you can help prevent falls.
  • Making choices finding solutions cover
    Making choices, finding solutions
    This guide has been developed so people can make informed decisions when choosing assistive technology and home modification solutions. Review the eBook online.
  • Reablement in long term care for older people book
    Reablement for long term care
    With ageing societies, we need to identify sustainable and person-centred solutions for supporting frail older people at home and in ways that improve their quality of life and longevity. Co-authored by our own Hilary O’Connell, an overview of this book is given here.
  • Elderly couple out-for-a-walk
    Guidebook for preventing falls
    The Falls Guidelines use evidence based recommendations, good practice points, case studies and points of interest to facilitate understanding and promote implementation.
Elderly lady being assisted by her support worker
Only 25% of age related decline is due to genetics. 75% is due to our lifestyle, and small changes can make a big difference
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support worker and senior woman