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Your choices for training

In collaboration with service providers, we have created a range of bespoke professional development resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of assessors, coordination, and support staff when working with clients to help regain and maintain independence and autonomy for as long as possible.
happy older lady in the kitchen
eLearning modules
The KeepAble team has developed a series of short, interactive eLearning modules based on real-life examples, to support those working in the aged care sector to become the voice of wellness and reablement. Available to access anytime on desktop, tablet, or mobile; these modules take approximately 10-15minutes to complete.
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Bite-size sessions
The KeepAble team has worked with service providers and Regional Assessment Services to develop bite-size content to download and present within your organisation. It will assist staff to understand the importance of adopting this way of working, and the pivotal part it plays in enabling older people to stay at home for longer.
Support worker explaining support plan
See and Hear assessment videos
We have created a series of short videos that focus on what a RAS assessor might see and hear during a home assessment. They come with guidance notes and a quick quiz to help you reflect on what you have seen.
Connect with KeepAble

Sign up here for Count Me In membership to access our free resources and to connect with our team of professionals. You can leave a message, give us feedback, ask a question or request a presentation on reablement by submitting this form.

Disclaimer: By submitting this form, you are agreeing to be added to the Count Me In hub, and receive our monthly newsletter. We might also ask for your input and feedback on aged care-related topics, and on new KeepAble resources. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time, and your details will be held by KeepAble only.

support worker and senior woman