Australian Government tools

Toolkit resources

The Department of Health toolkit, together with the information and support material and related resources from KeepAble will help you prepare, implement and evaluate the embedding of wellness and reablement into your organisation. We have selected a few of the Department of Health documents from the Toolkit for you to review below.
  • Cover of the CHSP 24-25 manual
    CHSP Manual
    This 2024–2025 manual provides the latest overview of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), including the service types it funds and requirements for delivering those services. It is for CHSP-funded service providers to use, and forms part of their CHSP grant agreement.
  • senior lady with service provider
    Summary of changes to the CHSP Manual 24-25
    Here you will find a five page pdf providing a summary of the changes to the CHSP manual from the previous version.
  • More Good Days website
    Wellness and reablement resources
    The Australain Government collection of practical guides and tools for Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) providers to help embed wellness and reablement approaches into service delivery.
  • Living well with dementia
    Dementia Australia has some wonderful stories to share. Meet older people from all walks of life who are living with dementia and actively making the most of life.
  • elderly lady looking into the camera
    Reablement for people with dementia
    A Wellness and Enablement Approach for People Living with Dementia was a paper submitted to the Australian Government by Dementia Australia. Review the PDF document here.
  • Happy aboriginal man and woman enjoying older age
    Reablement and diversity
    This Government framework sets out how our aged care system can meet the diverse needs of all older Australians. It includes action plans for government, aged care providers and consumers. It also provides resources to help providers meet the goals of the framework.
  • Support worker going over support plan
    Toolkit for embedding wellness and reablement
    Provides CHSP managers with support to implement change at an organisational level to embed, review and establish continuous improvement mechanisms on wellness and reablement. The toolkit is designed for use with the Practical Guide to Embed Wellness and Reablement which focuses on service delivery.
  • Discussing-plan-for-delivery
    Practical guide for embedding wellness and reablement into service delivery
    This practical guide is for all CHSP organisations. It covers to support their intake processes, develop care plans, and deliver support focussing on client strengths to continue living at home as independently as they can.
  • Older lady with a stick
    Identifying opportunities for reablement
    Guidance to introduce reablement practices into everyday service delivery to help empower clients do what they can for themselves.
  • support worker with happy client
    Principles of wellness and reablement
    A document explaining the concept of wellness and reablement for CHSP support workers. It identifies eight underlying elements – or key principles – of wellness and reablement.
  • Support worker and elderly lady in a wheelchair inside
    Conversational tips
    How to have a conversation on wellness and reablement with the client (without using the word reablement) by instead defining and illustrating your delivery approach and how doing with, rather than for, can benefit the client.

To visit the entire resource offered by the Department of Health, please click here.

Elderly lady being assisted by her support worker
There is evidence that reablement programs designed to help people do things for themselves can delay or reduce the need for aged care services.
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support worker and senior woman