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Release Notes

Release – 1.0.5


For Internal use only


Release Date: 6 February 2022

Release Version:   1.0.5


Summary of the Release:

       2 New developments

       8 Enhancements

       3 Fixes

       2 Documentation


New development

The fo llowing new functionality have been added in this release

       Add n ew global Variable – Subsequent Service Fee per FY [Task: 18]

These two Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated with medium confidence  fields will allow us to identify returning customers (same FY) and applying a reduced Service Fee. It also allows to identify Prescribers that are internal staff and apply appropriate Service fee.


       Show button to enable prescri

bers to print requests forms [Task: 38]

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated
The button will enable prescribers to view an order in a new tab and then either save it to PDF or print it for their records



The following enhancements have been added in this release

        Add new global Variable – Organisation name [Task: 17]
Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated
Field will allow us to identify internal users for the purpose of calculating reduced subsequent Service fee

       Add GST as a Global Variable [Task: 15]

A picture containing graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated  
New global variable will allow us to manage the GA The button will enable prescribers to view an order in a new tab and then either save it to PDF or print it for their records ST rate as part of the application and use it for GST related calculations.

       Implement a functionality for geat2go portal to calculate GST [Task: 19]

New functionality has been added, so the application will be able to calculate GST payable
Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

       Add new global variable – Delivery Cost [Task: 16]
Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

New global variable has ben added to enable Minimum and Maximum amount when calculating the Delivery. This functionality will be implemented in future releases.

       Update message to reflect verification code is sent to mobile [Task: 25]

Message has updated to notify prescribers that the verification code has been sent to both mobile and email.

       Show current application version number under My Account [Task:53] Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

Current application number will be displayed as part of the application. This will make it
easier to know what has been deployed and what is live in UAT, and PROD. Version number will align to the appropriate Release Notes.

       Decrease column width in prescriber table [Task: 52]

Graphical user interface, application, emailDescription automatically generated Column width has been reduced from 120 to 80 px to remove the need for scrolling.


       Add Note: Installation Required [Task: 29]


New Note has been added to the Request screen for Prescribers indicating products
may require Installation.



The following issues and defects have been added in this release [Task: 24]

       Submit icon not working for prescribers
Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Submit Icon was not functioning correctly previously. It has been fixed and should allow prescribers to submit the draft request from the front screen.


       Change appearance of product costs to Prescribers [Task: 27]

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated
Price is now not going to be shown to prescribers. Prescriber Admins and System Admins will still be able to see the prices.

       Review and remove hardcoded account within source code [Task:40]

Currently the review has been conducted, and in the next release we will setup a new sysadmin and prescriber accounts to be sed by the application.


The following documentation have been added in this release

       Document current development environment [Task: 54]

The initial version of the project documentation has been generated

TableDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

       Document Release Management process [Task: XX]


       Document Testing and Reporting process [Task: XX]


       Document Release Notes generation process [Task: XX]


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