Assistive Technology (AT) Resources

Elderly lady hanging washing with assistive technology help
Are you a support worker who works with support plans recommending the use of assistive technology and equipment?

Learning a new way to do a task and using new technology or equipment can be overwhelming. Our factsheets explain some of the low-risk assistive technology (AT) available, why it might be helpful for your clients, and how to use it. AT with your support and encouragement to use, can enhance the independence, well-being, confidence, and safety of your clients.  

Being an aged care support worker gives you the opportunity to help clients reduce or overcome any challenges they are having with day-to-day activities. By working with your clients and teaching them how to use AT or small pieces of equipment you can support them to increase their independence or become fully independent in activities such as showering, dressing, or preparing a meal. (Open this help sheet by clicking the graphic here.)

A home support worker help sheet about assistive technology

Assistive Technology Essentials guides

These helpful resources for all CHSP providers are a must to read online or download to keep.

Assistive technology solutions for everyday living

Need AT info on the go? No problem!

These webpages provide a quick overview of various assistive technologies (AT) for specific daily activities.

They offer straightforward insights into which AT options may be best suited for your clients – allowing you to make informed recommendations on site. Check them out:

sense of purpose ageing well
Using AT knife to help cut vegetables
Our tip sheets explain some of the low-risk assistive technology available and why it might be helpful for your clients.

Support Worker tip sheets

Are you a support worker who regularly reads support plans recommending wellness and reablement strategies? Do you want to know more about low-level assistive technology that can help maximise the independence of your clients?

Learning a new way to do a task and using new technology can be overwhelming. Our factsheets/ tip sheets explain some of the low-level assistive technology available, why it might be helpful for your clients, and how to use it. Assistive technology with your support and encouragement to use, can enhance the independence and confidence of your clients. Being an aged care support worker gives you the opportunity to help clients overcome a difficulty in an everyday task/s and have a sense of accomplishment, which in turn improves well-being.

Below are a selection of our Help Sheets available to download. Please click on a graphic to open the document as a PDF. More PDF help sheets are available in the text links below. If you would like further help sheets, let us know in the ‘Contact us/Feedback‘ form at the bottom of the page.

Support worker help sheet for dressing 4
Support worker help sheet for meal preparation 1

Click on a link below to open more Tip Sheets:

‘Support worker help sheet – Dressing 1 – Using a dressing stick
‘Support worker help sheet – Dressing 2’ – Using a button hook
‘Support worker help sheet – Bathroom washing 1’ – Using a long-handled sponge and toe washers
‘Support worker help sheet – Bathroom washing 2’ – Using a long-handled lotion applicator and toenail scissors.
